Lab Grown Diamonds


What Are Lab Grown Diamond?

A mined diamond is formed inside the earth's crust. It takes over a billion years, immense pressure and high temperature for the diamond to form. With application of advanced science and technology, it has become possible to highly accelerate this process and recreate the same geological circumstances in a laboratory above the earth. This has given birth to Lab Grown Diamonds.


Different Ways To Grow


In HPHT growth, a carbon source such as graphite or diamond powder is placed in the reactor chamber along with other ingredients to facilitate diamond growth atop a diamond seed.


In CVD growth, a carbon rich gas is ionised and liquified to deposit on a thin diamond wafer inside a high temperate chamber. Layer after layer gets deposited on the wafer to form a diamond.


Benefits of Lab Grown Diamonds


Lab created diamonds are grown in a controlled environment and have nearly 7 times less of an impact on the earth as compared to mined diamonds


A lab grown diamond 100% carbon, 100% a diamond

Less is More

When you opt for lab grown diamonds, you open up the opportunity to expand your personal collection to ethereal luxury pieces and stones, that once seemed out of reach


How Can One Identify Lab Grown Diamonds

Lab grown diamonds have same physical, chemical & optical characteristics as mined diamonds. It is impossible even for a seasoned diamond dealer or a jeweller to say with the naked eye if a diamond is lab made or mined. Only with the help of advanced machinery, one can determine the origin of a diamond. Gemological laboratories can do the job as well.


Common Misconceptions

Lab grown diamonds will flood the market

The lab grown diamond industry barely accounts for 2-3 % of the mined diamond industry. To build growing facilities to increase even 1 percent of current mined diamond supply, it would require another tens of million dollars yearly to function and billions for the machinery. It will take many years before lab grown diamonds are anything but a small portion of the market.


Natural VS Lab Grown Diamonds

Is it a Diamond?YesYes
Chemical CompositionCarbonCarbon
Intrinsic PurityRare and Purest(Type IIa)Rare and Purest(Type IIa)
Source of the DiamondsDiamond Growing GreenhousesEarth's surface
Is it SyntheticNoNo
Is it FakeNoNo
Is it ArtificialNoNo
Certified by LabsYesYes
Specific Gravity3.523.52
Life of a DiamondEternityEternity